
Scrotal or testicular problems


Scrotal and testicular problems are very common and can be a source of concern and embarrassment to many men. Mr Malde is a caring and compassionate urologist and offers a rapid service to diagnose and treat the cause of scrotal or testicular problems.

Urgent appointments can be booked at any of his private urology clinics near you covering:

Scrotal/testicular lumps and swellings

What are scrotal/testicular lumps and swellings?

If you find a lump within the scrotum you should seek medical advice immediately. Most lumps in the scrotum are benign and only require surgical treatment if they cause pain, discomfort or embarrassment. However, testicular cancer is the commonest malignant tumour in men aged 20-50 years and so you should have an ultrasound scan performed to identify the cause of the swelling.

Mr Malde offers fast track specialist appointments for further investigation and treatment at his private urology clinics across London.


What causes scrotal/testicular lumps and swellings?

Common causes include:

  • Cystic (fluid-filled) swellings

  • Infection

  • Hernias

  • Testicular tumours


How we can help you

Mr Malde offers a rapid assessment for any man with a scrotal lump, providing high-quality urology care in his leading private clinics in London. This includes a detailed history and physical examination, followed by blood tests, semen tests, an ultrasound scan of the scrotum, CT scan if required and surgical treatment.

Testicular pain and infections

What causes testicular pain and infections?

Testicular pain can be caused by a number of conditions including infections, trauma, twisting of the testicle and rarely tumours. Any new onset pain in the testicle should be urgently investigated. Infection of the testicle may be related to a sexually-transmitted infection or may be a sign of underlying prostate enlargement in older men. These causes should be fully investigated in order to target treatment in the best way.

Mr Malde offers specialist appointments for further investigation and treatment in his private urology clinics across London.


How we can help you

Mr Malde has years of experience in treating testicular pain and infections, and urology appointments can be booked in any of his specialist private urology clinics across London. He offers a thorough assessment for any man with testicular pain. This includes a detailed history and physical examination, followed by blood tests, semen tests and an ultrasound scan of the scrotum. Further investigation may be required to identify the cause of the pain and to target treatment in the best way.

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To make an enquiry or book an appointment, email or call us on 020 3488 2636